After coming back from 15days cycling expedition which aimed to study the northern & southern Pare mountains, Mkomazi valley & national park, west & east Usambara mountains ( Bothe Pare and Usambara Mountains represent the Eastern Arc Mountains which study show/proof to be the oldest forest rage in Africa, stretch back more than 30 million years ago, the mountain forest start from Taita hills in Kenya and stretch south wards to Pare, Usambara, Udizugwa, in Tanzania continuo to Zambia where it end up. The unique of these regions characterized with endemic.)
The cycling feasibility sturdy continuo to the early (from 14th century) historical towns of Tanga, Tongoni, Pangani (river& town the entrance of early traders and explorer to interior mainland), Bagamoyo & Kaole (the oldest harbor and towns, kaole 14th century ruins grave yard, mosque, etc) Zanzibar (slave market, sultan kingdom, clove plantation, etc) and Dar-es-salaam the peaceful harbor, model city and old Germain Boma 19th century.
The expedition also was the exercise or part of cycling around Africa feasibility study project.
After coming back I’m working on the two challenge parts, First, Financial, to raise the money in to cover the first Pedal from Arusha-Tanzania to Cape of Good Hope South Africa, approximately 6,000km which I planned to cover for 2mounths by cycle 100-150km per day.
Secondly; to build a bicycle to tackle the task ahead, So far in this part I have already see the green light after Global Alliance For Africa vijana center agree to support in bicycle building, provide the train for bicycle maintainace and repair also they will donate repair kit and some of the spares such as tube and tires.
Global Alliance for Africa is non-governmental, non-profit organization which among their aims and objectives is to promote bicycle transport in Africa, to collect the used bicycle from abroad (re-cycle) and donate them to the African countries, to train the youth in bicycle maintenance and repair, for more info. Please visit
Strongly, I hope the 2weeks; 2hours per day train will help me to become expert of my own bicycle. Thanks to Global Alliance for Africa vijana center especially Mr.Bonifece Kimboka director of Vijana Center, Mr. Shaibu Lazir bicycle Pregame Manager, the whole management and stuff.